Incarceration is reported upon Consistently. this Collective art piece for Audience engagement asks A question that will be answered in the form of poetry.  Audience members will have the chance to reconstruct headlines to create an image. They will work together to answer this question, and it will remain to be a permanent object to commemorate Pinderhughes' work.  
This Piece examines the Question  "What does IT Mean to be Seperated from Yourself or Your Community? 
Incarceration comes with constant isolation. Isolation from Freedom, and Isolation from all Outside support systems. This seperation can cause feelings of discordance. How does one come to terms with the fact that they have been locked away? The Prison Industrial Complex feeds off this isolation to cause harm. THis Piece is meant To focus that energy in a communal Space. IT brings forth the question, How does one put together Missing Pieces of themselves while being forced into Isolation.

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